What to Buy (and NOT Buy) at Target

What: In a recent CBS MoneyWatch article, Kathryn dished her tips on what to buy and what NOT to buy at everyone’s favorite discount department store, Target. What Kathryn Said:  …recently […]

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What: In a recent CBS MoneyWatch article, Kathryn dished her tips on what to buy and what NOT to buy at everyone’s favorite discount department store, Target.

What Kathryn Said:  …recently the retailer has extended its cheap chic strategy to carry more designer cosmetics with quality and selections comparable to more expensive department store brands. Recent offerings in this vein include lines from Napoleon Perdis, Petra Strand, and Jemma Kidd. Target is also a good source for hard-to-find makeup brands, such as the U.K.’s Boots beauty products and Iman Cosmetics, a makeup line for women of color, says Kathryn Finney, founder of The Budget Fashionista

Question: What are the Best Things to Buy (and the best things to leave on the shevles) at Target?

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