Photo Canvas Prints – Ideal Personalised Anniversary Gifts

Photo canvas prints make excellent personalised gifts for any occasion, but especially for anniversary celebrations. Celebrating a wedding anniversary is an especially personal time and the giving of heart felt […]

Photo canvas prints make excellent personalised gifts for any occasion, but especially for anniversary celebrations. Celebrating a wedding anniversary is an especially personal time and the giving of heart felt gifts that celebrate the time spent together or look back at that time. The photo canvas print allows you to add one or more photographs to a high quality canvas that can be given to your husband or wife, or it can be given to the happy couple by friends or family.

The process of personalising a canvas print not only allows for the addition of a single photograph but can also be used as a high quality method of printing a photo montage. A photo montage is created through the use of a selection of relevant and good looking photos into a single display. A photo montage can be used to freshen up some of your favourite wedding day photos or to tell an attractive story covering your years together.

Digital photographs are the ideal medium to be converted into canvas prints. The higher the resolution of the image, the greater the resulting canvas is likely to look. However, as well as being an ideal use of digital photographs, well scanned paper prints and 6 x 4 prints can also be converted into high quality photo canvas prints.

Images can also be sympathetically converted from colour into black and white pictures. As well as giving a unique look to an individual photograph, the black and white conversion process is also perfect for use with a photo montage display. The natural woven canvas ensures that image reproduction remains exceptionally high whether you choose colour or black and white images.

As well as making great looking, high quality personalised anniversary gifts, photo canvas prints are also great keepsakes to mark the occasion for yourself. You don’t need to give the canvas print away because it will look equally good adorning your own wall; perfect for the living room, hall, or even in the office there is a good selection of sizes using high grade materials.

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